Proficient Scootering - The Book
Proficient Scootering
The comprehensive guide to safe, efficient and enjoyable scooter riding.

Two years ago, I set out to write what I hoped would become the definitive guide to safe riding written specifically for the scooter rider.
While there are books written for motorcyclists in general, none addressed the particular concerns and challenges faced by scooter riders. None were written solely with the scooter rider in mind.
Drawing on my years of motorcycle training and teaching, and coupled with my thirty-five years of real-world experience applying these techniques when riding scooters and motorcycles in both urban and rural environments in many countries, I set out to address that deficiency.
With over 186 pages of information, and 78 illustrations, “Proficient Scootering” takes the reader through the basics of scooter operation and control, through to advanced techniques. Techniques which will not only help to make you safer, but to help you make better progress on the road and to enhance your riding enjoyment by the sheer pleasure of doing something well.
“Proficient Scootering” introduces “The System for Safe Scooter Riding” - a specific system to apply during all your riding activities, along with many hints and tips that will help you every time that you ride. It expands on some of the topics covered in the ScootSafely blog, and introduces others. Topics include:
- Observation Skills
- Positioning for maximum view and visibility
- Efficient and safe Cornering
- Limit Point Analysis - let the road tell you how to corner
- The System for Safe Scooter Riding
- APE - the system for ride planning and hazard anticipation
- Dealing with road hazards, animals and bad weather
- Group riding
- And much more...
I am pleased to announce that “Proficient Scootering” is now available for the Amazon Kindle, on Apple iBooks, for the Barnes and Noble Nook, on Google Play Books, and on the Kobo by clicking on the links below:
Thanks for helping to keep we scooterists safer and more aware.”
Also Available:
Motorcycle Mastery - Advanced Techniques for the Smart Rider

Although, of course, much of good riding techniques apply equally to both scooters and motorcycles, there are some aspects which apply specifically to each.
For this reason, and not wishing to leave my motorcycle riding friends out, I undertook to write a book specifically for motorcyclists.
“Motorcycle Mastery” is aimed at the rider who wishes to take his or her riding to a highly-tuned level.
It is divided into two sections: “Control”, which covers basic, but sound aspects of machine control, before moving onto the main section of the book: “Proficiency”. The proficiency section introduces more advanced techniques, introduces the System for Safe Motorcycling, and offers countless techniques for truly honing your skills to an advanced level. It is my hope that in “Motorcycle Mastery”, even the most experienced rider will find much of value.
“Motorcycle Mastery” is available as an e-book for the major e-book readers, and in a print edition. E-book links are shown below: